Training Programs Offered in Durham NC
We cover all aspects of dog behavior modification in 2 simple programs, no confusing explanations. Please see below our different programs.
High Reliability Obedience
The most complete 4-week program taught at our location in Cedar Grove NC. Our high reliability obedience program will challenge any advanced program from any other training venue, and at a fraction of the cost anywhere else.
Your dog's life will be changed forever, confidence (canine and human) and clear understanding are taken to a new level.
We will establish behaviors such as come, stay, loose leash walking, boundary recognition and go to place. Clear and concise instruction on how to up keep your dog's new learned skills will be delivered by being part of your dog's finishing touches at the end of the last week of school.
As always we offer lifetime support after your dog goes home with you assuring that you are fully satisfied and in a comfortable position to keep the obedience well oiled. Experience the freedom of taking your dog anywhere and be admired by his or her manners.
Program cost $2,850
Premier Advanced Obedience
Our premier program offered at our location in Cedar Grove NC. We take your dog's highly reliable obedience to an amazing new level. Your dog will perform all the behaviors learned in our previous programs OFF LEASH. This program takes 6-weeks to complete. Your dog will perform in a predictable manner in almost any environment. We will teach you how to maintain this exquisite level of training and will also support you along the way once he or she goes home with you. You will be absolutely delighted with the freedom this program will bring to you and your dog's life.
Program cost $3950